My place on the Internet

In the style of the type of sites I designed back in the late 90's early 2000's!


OK - another bulleted list LOL!

  • I can build my own computers from scratch, this is how I first got into this game - spoiler alert - PC building is adult lego!!
  • I can build a network from scratch - this includes a wired network - my flat is completely wired up for the bedroom and living room!
  • I can set up Smart Home Devices, my entire lighting is using the Philip's Hue range - my thermostat is Hive and it works most of the time!
  • I LOVE Apple Hardware - for home/creating they are very good, they work very well together, but try anf get them to talk to anything that ISN'T Apple - no chance!
  • I can use MacOS, Windows and Linux. I'm not afraid of the command line in Linux.
  • My Home Entertainment System is Free and Open Source all the way down, from Ubuntu Server supplying the media, and Kodi for the TV's.
  • I have built my own Server - running Hyper-V
  • I have built my own Virtual Office, with the help of BT Business with their Cloud phone.
  • I have built my own Arcade Cabinet 0 just because I can!
  • I CANNOT write a program from scratch - however - I CAN manipulate one already made!

© 2019 All Reserved. T-Jay

(Seriously though - why would you want to steal THIS? It's GROSSLY out of date LOL)